Pink Shirt Day – Anti Bullying

We wore PINK on Anti Bullying DAY – Wednesday February 24th, 2016


At Thornhill Elementary we recognized Anti-Bullying Day by wearing pink to promote inclusion and diversity.

February 24, 2016 we encouraged everyone to wear something pink. Several of the students and the staff showed that we are all working together to prevent bullying in our schools, in our communities and online.

Pink Shirt Day comes from Nova Scotia high school students, who decided to take a stand against bullying in their own school.

Visit the website at for a variety of resources for parents and students.



Clubs Day

Clubs Day – February 4, 2016

On February 4, our entire school body participated in a clubs day where the students got to pick from 10 different activities that were being offered by the staff for an hour.

Those activities were yoga, weaving bracelets, chess, making bead bracelets, building buildings, painting and colouring, rock band with real instruments, pop up cards, colouring post cards and G-ball in the gym.

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New filtered water station

“New” Filtered Water Fountain and Water Bottle Station

Our school has a brand new water filtering station. It has a water fountain and a filling station for water bottles.

We encourage all students to bring a refillable water bottle to school :-) .  IMG_1306

Cold Weather


Just a reminder, with the colder temperatures, please ensure that your child is dressed properly in warm clothes and boots. If possible, clothes that are also wind resistant. On the colder, windier days, it does become an inside day for the students.

Also just as a reminder, if your son/daughter will not be at school because they are ill, please call the school at 250-635-5082 and let us know. If there is no answer, please leave a message.



Foundation Skills Assessment (FAS) Information for Parents


The Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA) is a set of reading, writing and numeracy tests administered each winter to B.C. students in grades 4 and 7.

FSA does not measure students’ ability to memorize specific facts; it measures reading, writing and math problem-solving skills that students have gained during several years of learning. Some of the questions are easy and some are more challenging. Students answer the multiple choice questions on the computer and do their written work in a booklet that goes home to parents by March 31, along with the student’s overall assessment results. FSA results do not count toward student grades.


FSA provides a “snapshot” of how well B.C. students are doing. Results help answer important questions, such as:

Are all students learning vital skills they will need in school and in life?

Is student achievement improving over time?

Are there any trends in student performance at the school, district or provincial levels?

How are specific groups of students doing?


FSA is meant to complement – not replace –classroom learning. Along with classroom assessment and report card information, FSA provides valuable information to parents on how their child is performing in reading, writing and numeracy.


Schools get information on how groups of students did on specific types of FSA questions. Using information from FSA, the Ministry of Education works with school districts to provide support for students and to improve teaching and learning for the coming school year.


FSA results also show where individual students excel and where they struggle. FSA reading scores, for example, are a reliable predictor of a student’s likelihood of completing school on time. Paying attention to individual student results allows parents and educators to make early interventions that will lead to success later in a child’s schooling.


Because they already cover reading, writing and numeracy in their regular classroom activities,  teachers and students do not need to take time away from classroom learning to study for FSA.

Students will be able to do their best if they are comfortable with the FSA format, which means knowing the type of questions, how to answer multiple choice questions on the computer section, and how long answers should be on the written questions.


The entire assessment takes about four and a half hours to complete, and most schools spread them over the course of two or three days. That’s less than 10 hours in total of provincial assessment from Kindergarten through Grade 9.


FSA is not expensive. It costs about $20 for each student in Grade 4 and Grade 7, or an average of $2 a year over a student’s first 10 years of schooling.


The Ministry of Education does not support the rating or ranking of schools based on FSA results. However, the Ministry does support making school, district and provincial level results available to the public.

FSA provides valuable information on student learning, but is only one measure of student performance. School rankings based solely on FSA ignore other important measures of student achievement and fail to account for factors such as demographics, location, school programming as well as some of the various features that characterize individual schools and school populations.


FSA is about more than the overall performance of the provincial school system. All Grade 4 and Grade 7 students are expected to write the FSA because information about every child is important to parents and to schools. A sample of students would not provide information at the school or district level about specific groups of learners who may need extra help, nor would it provide information about individual children.


There is a strong correlation between FSA scores and eventual school completion.

For students who met or exceeded expectations in Grade 7 reading achievement, the completion rates are 90 per cent and 100 per cent respectively. These results have been consistent over the past four years.

Over the same period, among Grade 7 students who did not meet expectations in reading achievement, fewer than 67 per cent completed high school within the six-year time frame.

The same correlation can be seen at the grade 4 level.


There is no additional preparation required for FSA; however, following these simple tips will help your child prepare for any test, including FSA.

Ask your children questions about their schoolwork and encourage them to talk about what they’re learning.

Set up a study area away from the TV with adequate supplies and lighting.

Be available to answer questions and offer assistance, but never do a child’s homework for them.

Students do better when they are healthy, well-rested and alert. Make sure your child gets a good sleep, eats a complete breakfast and arrives at school on time.

Help your children get a library card and plan your trips to the library.

If your children are struggling, talk to their teachers and work with them to develop a strategy for improvement.



General Voting Day, January 9, 2016 – CMSD82 School Trustee By-election – Trustee Electoral Area 3 (Thornhill)


A friendly reminder regarding the upcoming “General Voting Day” scheduled on Saturday, January 9, 2016 for the CMSD82 School Trustee By-election for Electoral Area 3 (Thornhill).

Eligible voters must reside in Trustee Electoral Area 3 (Thornhill) (Area E of Kitimat-Stikine Regional District and the South and East portion of Area C of the Kitimat-Stikine Regional District including Copperside, Gossen, Kleanza, Usk, Jackpine Flats, Old Remo and Lakelse Lake).

Details regarding the General Voting Day are provided as follows:

General Voting Day
CMSD82 School Trustee By-election Electoral Area 3 (Thornhill)

Saturday, January 9, 2016 – 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Northwest Trades & Employment Training Centre
(former Thornhill Junior Secondary School)

3120 Highway 16 East, Terrace

The persons nominated as candidates at the By-election by Voting and for whom the votes will be received are listed below:

Ms. Barbara A. Johnson, #2 – 4717 Walsh Avenue, Terrace, B.C. V8G 1Y7
Ms. Diana Penner, 5418 Hepple Avenue, Terrace, B.C. V8G 4P7
Ms. Sandy Watson, 5221 Skeena Drive, Terrace, B.C. V8G 0A6

Please find a link to the Notice of By-election by Voting that provides additional information regarding the General Voting Day on January 9:

CMSD82 Notice of By-election by Voting – Trustee Electoral Area 3 (Thornhill)

Should you require further information or have questions, please contact Cathy Jackson, Chief Election Officer at (250) 635-1907.

Scent Free


Thornhill Elementary School is committed in creating a safe and healthy school environment for all our students, staff and visitors. In consideration of others who may suffer from chemical sensitivities, medical reactions and/or allergies. We request that you refrain from wearing products containing scents/fragrances such as perfumes, hairsprays, body sprays & scented lotions while visiting us. Thank you :-) 

Donna’s grade 6 Fundraiser

Mrs. Rivet’s Grade 6 Class Fundraiser Raffle

Mrs. Rivet’s class RAISED $607.40 to help Syrian Refugees.

A great big thank you to everyone who purchased and help raise this incredible amount.

The lucky winner of the necklace was one of our grade 6 students, Ryan Corrie, congratulations :-)

There is an account set up for sponsoring Syrian refugees at the Northern Credit Union.

We would like to send out a great big Thank you to Goodman Jewellers from Winnipeg, Manitoba for donating the necklace.

Donna's necklace



Notice of Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement Public Consultation Meetings- Terrace & Kitimat

Calendar date



Notice of Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement Public Consultation Meetings, Terrace & Kitimat (PDF Format)



Coast Mountains Board of Education School District 82 is holding a series of Public Consultation Meetings to discuss student learning in our Terrace and Kitimat schools.  Of particular focus will be the success of our Aboriginal learners.

The Public Consultation Meetings will take place as follows:

Wednesday, December 9, 2015 – 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Suwilaawks Community School (Library) – Terrace

Tuesday, December 15, 2015 – 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Haisla Community School (Community Room) – Kitamaat Village

All members of the public are invited to attend.

A summary of feedback received from the Public Consultation Meetings will be provided to the District Aboriginal Education Committee for their consideration and review for the Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement.

For further information or to provide a written submission prior to the meeting, please contact:

Carole Gagnon, Executive Assistant that the Board of Education Office
Tel: (250) 638-4401 or 1-855-635-4931, Ext. 4401

CMSD82 Amended 2015-2016 School Calendar




CMSD82 Amended 2015-2016 School Calendar & Backgrounder

CMSD82 Letter to Parents-Guardians re Amended 2015-2016 School Calendar



School districts across the province are involved in calendar amendments related to the new Ministry of Education Curriculum Implementation Plan that has recently been announced.  The Ministry of Education and the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation (BCTF), supported by provincial partners in education, announced a plan to support the implementation of the new curriculum.

As part of this plan, school districts have been asked to add 10 hours of non-instructional time to this school year which will reduce instructional hours equivalent to two regular school days.  The time will be provided for teachers to familiarize themselves with the new curriculum and to plan for its implementation in the coming year.

Coast Mountains School District in collaboration with the Coast Mountain Teachers’ Federation has selected Friday, January 15, 2016 and Friday, April 29, 2016 as the two non-instructional training days.  Both days were selected with a mind to minimizing the impact on families and student learning.

On November 25, 2015 the Board of Education approved a motion to amend the 2015-2016 School Calendar reflecting Friday, January 15, 2016 and Friday, April 29, 2016 as non-instructional days.  The addition of these two non-instructional days will support Coast Mountains School District’s teachers as they learn the new Ministry of Education curriculum.  For clarity, students will not attend school on January 15 and April 29, 2016.  Please view the amended 2015-2016 School Calendar as provided above.

In response to the rapidly changing world that students are entering, the new Ministry of Education curriculum is being redesigned to help teachers create learning environments that are both engaging and personalized for students.  The redesigned curriculum focuses on core competencies, essential learning and literacy and numeracy foundations.  More information for parents can be found at

We are looking forward to the exciting times ahead in our classrooms as we help our students succeed in this changing world.


Katherine McIntosh
Superintendent of Schools


Should you have questions or require additional information, please contact Carole Gagnon, Executive Assistant at the Board of Education Office as follows:

Tel:  (250) 638-4401 or Toll Free 1-855-635-4931, Local 4401
Fax: 1-888-290-4786