Author Archives: cgagnon

CMSD Food Program Monthly Newsletter



We know nourishing learners at school helps to improve academic outcomes as well as build stronger connections among peers, adults and with the community.  With that in mind, Coast Mountains School District is committed to improving food programming throughout the district.

Our focus is to foster healthy, stigma-free food environments in our schools, making nutritious breakfast, lunch, and snack options accessible to every learner in our system.  Our Food Programming team strives to create community partnerships wherever possible, in an effort to create sustainable food solutions throughout the Northwest region.

With recent announcements from the British Columbia government related to food programming, our schools are becoming better positioned to meet the nutritional needs of our learners.

Learn more about our school district’s Food Program through the CMSD Food Program Newsletter, a new monthly newsletter initiated in February 2025.  The monthly newsletter is available on the school district’s website at:

If you are interested in finding out how you can get involved, or possibly financially support food programming Coast Mountains School District, please contact Shawna Wilson, District Food Coordinator, by email at

2025-26 StrongStart & Kindergarten to Grade 12 Registration Now Open


In preparation for the 2025-2026 school year, the Board of Education is seeking the cooperation of parents/caregivers in registering new students for the StrongStart Early Learning Program, Kindergarten and Grade 1 to 12 for the upcoming school year (2025-2026) in Coast Mountains School District.

It is important that parents/caregivers take note of the specific registration deadlines and procedures.

Please visit the following procedures (access the links below to view or to download) for the specific registration details, deadlines and options on how to register your child for the StrongStart Program and Kindergarten to Grade 12.

2025-2026 New Student Registration & Cross Boundary Application Procedure

2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration Procedure

2025-2026 StrongStart Early Learning Program Registration Procedure

A general overview for the information of parents/caregivers:

  • The StrongStart Program provides parent/caregiver participation play and a learning program for children 0 to 5 years of age.
  • All School District 82 elementary schools offer full day Kindergarten for our youngest learners including the Kindergarten Gitxsanimx Immersion Program offered at Majagaleehl Gali Aks Elementary School.  To register, children must turn five years of age by December 31 in the same calendar year that they begin school.   Registration for Kindergarten takes place from January 15 to February 21, 2025.
  • The Cross Boundary procedure for Kindergarten to Grade 12 is detailed for parents/caregivers interested in an out-of-catchment area school for their child to attend.
  • Students who opt for French Immersion usually enter the program in Kindergarten and continue their French studies through to grade twelve.  In Grade 12, students receive a ‘Double Dogwood’ (a bilingual graduation certificate).  Students may also begin the program in Grade 1.  Please visit the Kindergarten Registration Procedure for details.

For further assistance, parents/caregivers are asked to contact Carole Gagnon, Executive Assistant at the Coast Mountains Board of Education Office at (250) 638-4401 or via email at

2025 Student Learning Survey


Help us plan for the future – tell us about your education experience.  Students in Grades 4, 7, 10, 11 and 12, their parents/caregivers and all staff in B.C. public schools are invited to participate in the 2025 Student Learning Survey, an annual online satisfaction survey about their school experience.  This year, the Ministry is also including Grade 11 students in the survey and the survey is now open to May 2, 2025.

The survey covers a range of topics, providing a comprehensive picture of the educational experience in B.C. public schools. Questions were developed with input from partner groups, teachers and experts in educational measurement and special education.  If a school district or school has added questions, it may take longer.  The survey takes about 30 minutes to complete.

All responses are anonymous and confidential.  Student and staff surveys are available in English and French. Parent surveys are available in 18 additional languages.

For more information, visit the Ministry of Education and Child Care’s website at 2025 Student Learning Survey or contact your School Principal.

To take the survey access this link:  Student Learning Survey 2025

The results of the parent/caregiver Student Learning Survey will be available through the Ministry of Education and Child Care website in summer 2025.

Early Years Fair – October 26 – Join the Fun!


We invite all families to visit our Halloween EARLY YEARS FAIR!

Drop in anytime between 10am and 2pm on October 26, 2024 at Cassie Hall Elementary School to check out the local resources for families in our community.

Enjoy the many spooktacular activities including crafts, bouncy castles, story walk and face painting.  Refreshments provided.

Access CMSD82 Website For Up-To-Date Bussing Information

For up-to-date bussing information regarding cancellations, combined runs, delays, etc., please visit the Coast Mountains School District’s website at:




Student & Family Affordability Fund


At the beginning of the 2022-23 school year, the Ministry of Education and Child Care announced a one-time grant to school districts to help make life more affordable for families who are facing financial challenges. Coast Mountains School District received a grant of $510,045 to be used primarily to support healthy food programming and expenses related to school fees and supplies.  Through a consultative process, priorities and allocations have been identified and the grant is being actioned with the support of schools and partners.

In Coast Mountains Schools District, approximately 75% of the fund will be used to support existing food programming both during and outside of the school day.  School food, including breakfast, lunch, snack and pantry programs, will receive support, ensuring all learners have access to healthy, nourishing options every day.  Funds have also been committed for local community partners and First Nations to support feeding learners and their families through other channels.  Additionally, approximately 5% of the grant will be used to support school concerts and cultural events, while the remaining 20% will help offset costs related to school fees and other expenses for children to fully participate in their schooling experience.  Examples of expenses that may be submitted include school based extra-curricular activities, athletics fees, school supplies, or clothing for winter.

School staff members, parents, or caregivers can make a request for financial support of a learner’s fee or expense by completing a Student & Family Affordability Fund form.  The form is available in every school office in Coast Mountains School District and is also available for download at: CMSD82 Student & Family Affordability Fund 2022 (fillable)

Completed forms must be submitted to the child’s school, where they will be received by the Principal.

Any inquiries about the Student & Family Affordability Fund should be directed to the school Principal.

We are Hiring! Join our Team!


Coast Mountains School District 82 is accepting applications for the following positions currently available in its Hazelton, Kitimat, Kitwanga, Terrace and Stewart school communities.

The school district provides educational support for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students in nineteen schools with a teaching, professional and support staff of more than 650 employees.  Learn more about an interesting career in education and about our team by viewing the school district’s recruitment video (click on link to open) via YouTube. 

  • Certified Teachers Teaching on Call
  • Non-Certified Teachers Teaching on Call
  • Certified Education Assistants
  • Non-Certified Education Assistants
  • Summer Student Labourers
  • Casual Support Staff

Hours of work are generally 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

All of our employment opportunities are posted on our school district website at under the Quicklinks section of the website’s home page.

To view or download the CMSD82 Recruitment Poster in PDF format, please access the following link.  Please feel free to share this link with family, friends and/or acquaintances for their interest.

We are Hiring! Join our Team!- February 17, 2023

APPLY TODAY!  Please email your resume with references to our Human Resources Department at  Short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

Should you have questions, or you require more information, please contact:

Penny DeJong – Human Resources Officer, Teachers & Exempt Staff
Tel: (250) 638-4403

Kyla Magnusson – Human Resources Officer, Support Staff
Tel: (250) 638-4440



2023-2024 StrongStart & Kindergarten to Grade 12 Registration Is Now Open



In preparation for the 2023-2024 school year, the Board of Education is seeking the cooperation of parents/caregivers in registering new students for the StrongStart Early Learning Program, Kindergarten and Grade 1 to 12 for the upcoming school year (2023-2024) in Coast Mountains School District.

It is important that parents/caregivers take note of the specific registration deadlines and procedures.

Please visit the following pages (click on the links below to view) for the specific registration details, deadlines and options on how to register your child for the StrongStart Program and Kindergarten to Grade 12.  These pages can also be viewed on the main page of the School District’s website located under the Parent Resources tab.

2023-2024 New Student Registration & Cross Boundary Application

2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration Procedures

2023-2024 StrongStart Early Learning Program Registration Procedure

A general overview for the information of parents/caregivers:

  • The StrongStart Program provides parent/caregiver participation and a learning program for children 0 to 5 years of age.
  • All School District 82 elementary schools offer full day Kindergarten for our youngest learners.  To register, children must turn five years of age by December 31 in the same calendar year that they begin school.  Registration for Kindergarten takes place from January 16 to February 24, 2023.
  • The Cross Boundary procedure for Kindergarten to Grade 12 is detailed for parents/caregivers interested in an out-of-catchment area school for their child to attend.
  • Students who opt for French Immersion usually enter the program in Kindergarten and continue their French studies through to grade twelve.  In Grade 12, students receive a ‘Double Dogwood’ (a bilingual graduation certificate).  Students may also begin the program in Grade 1.  Please visit the Kindergarten Registration Procedures page for details.

Should you require further assistance, please contact Carole Gagnon, Executive Assistant at the Coast Mountains Board of Education Office at (250) 638-4401 or via email at


CMSD82 Strategic Plan 2022-2027 – Engage, Ignite, Empower

In Coast Mountains School District 82, we are proud of our successes and the positive impact we have on students’ lives.  Our Board of Education remains committed to putting students at the centre of everything we do with special thanks to the hard work and commitment of our staff who are highly skilled, motivated and committed to the well-being, inclusion and success of our students in every one of our schools.  We are always challenging ourselves to be even better for our students.

As School District 82 continues to grow and evolve, our Board of Education has developed a Strategic Plan through the culmination of extensive consultation with students, staff, parents/guardians, and community members.  The commitment and enthusiasm shown in developing this plan has demonstrated how deeply passionate our communities are about the education and well-being of our children, our youth, and our communities.

The Board of Education is pleased to present a clear, strong, collective vision and plan to guide us as we move forward over the next five years (2022-2027).  To view the CMSD82 Strategic Poster & Plan 2022-2027, please access the link provided below.  The development and implementation of the Strategic Plan provides a collective focus for the school district to pursue the Board’s significant priorities and goals.

CMSD82 Strategic Poster & Plan 2022-2027

Guided by the Mission, Values and Vision statements, the Strategic Plan identifies our strategic priorities and goals.  These priorities reflect our commitment to:

 All Students Realizing their Full Potential
Honouring and Respecting Culture and Diversity
Well-Being within the Educational Community

Our five-year Strategic Plan offers a framework to guide administration, staff, parents/guardians and students towards more relevant and engaging learning experiences.  Now that the Board of Education has finalized the priorities, the school district’s senior leadership will create the Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL).  The goals outlined in the operational plan (FESL) will be clearly outlined, with measurable and achievable goals, providing the next steps for our school district.  There is a commitment from the school district to use our plan for continuous quality improvements, being reflective, accountable and innovative in our focus on excellence in achieving learning outcomes.

Thank you for taking the time to read our Strategic Plan.  The Board of Education recognizes that we cannot achieve our goals alone – your engagement and involvement in this process is highly valued and very gratefully received.  We invite staff, students, families, educational partner groups and community members to learn more and support us in achieving our Goals, living our Values and achieving our Vision.

Please continue to engage in the conversations about the future of our school district community by attending Public Board Meetings, DPAC and PAC Meetings or emailing our Superintendent Janet Meyer at with feedback or questions.

Learning Together, Realizing Success for All – Engage, Ignite, Empower!



2021-2022 Leadership Staffing Announcement

CMSD82 2021-22 Leadership Staffing Announcement
(PDF Format)

The Board of Education for Coast Mountains School District wishes to announce the following Leadership Staffing changes for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year:

Surinder Dhaliwal
Effective August 1, 2021, Surinder will assume the position of Principal for Thornhill Elementary and Thornhill Primary Schools.  He is currently the Principal at Thornhill Elementary School.  Surinder is a team player and a strong advocate for the success of all learners.  Students, staff and parents at Thornhill Elementary and Thornhill Primary Schools will benefit from Surinder’s proven commitment to student learning and his reputation as a team builder.

Sandy Kenmuir
Currently the Vice Principal at Cassie Hall Elementary School, Sandy will assume the position of Vice Principal for Thornhill Elementary and Thornhill Primary Schools effective August 1, 2021.  Sandy has always demonstrated passion in her profession, an understanding and respect for local diverse cultures and the importance of community involvement in making a difference in the lives of young people.  She is a passionate advocate for student success and has a reputation for bringing an enthusiastic, team-focused approach to everything she does.

Steve Wallace
Effective August 1, 2021, Steve will assume the position of Principal at Ecole Mountainview.  He is currently on a personal leave from his principalship role at Cassie Hall Elementary School.  His enthusiasm and reputation as a dedicated elementary educator and administrator with deep commitment to the success of young people at the school and community level, will serve Ecole Mountainview very well.

In the interim, the school district is actively seeking a new Principal and Vice Principal for Cassie Hall Elementary School.  A Canada-wide search will be initiated this week commencing with the Principal position, followed by the Vice Principal position.

We extend our congratulations to Surinder, Sandy and Steve on their appointments and wish them every success in their new roles for the 2021-2022 school year.

Janet Meyer
Superintendent of Schools